I came across an old article that may still contain some relevance today - jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2009/04/indie-games-should-cost-more-pt-1.html
Continuation of the article: jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2009/04/indie-games-should-cost-more-pt-2.html
Do I agree with it? Yes and then some. For the tl:dr, what it's saying is that indies should charge more for their games, and apparently makes the point that they are basically in the race for the cheapest games which won't really benefit them in money made, while commercial games really aren't.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
For me as a hobby indie developer(I just work 2-3 hours daily after my normal job) I could say, yes they should get more money. Actually I take just 3-5$ per hour :D Extremly low but I can buy coffee from it :D