HTML 5 Gamepads?

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  • I'm in the market for a gamepad to play HTML5 games. Any recommendations?

  • Depends on whether the game supports controllers or not.

    If it does, the Xbox 360 controller is cheap and works well.

    If if it touch/mouse-reliant, wait for the steam controller or just use a laser mouse/keyboard.

    With XPadder you can simulate a mouse with the X360-controller afaik, but obviously it won't be as good as the Steam Controller or a mouse.

  • Thanks. What I'm talking about are games that support the WC3 gamepad API. Does the Xbox 360 controller work on the PC/Mac or is it only for the Xbox 360?

  • I second the recommendation for Xbox360 can get a usb version, they are very comfortable, super sturdy/reliable, not too expensive, and work fantastically with C2 made games. They also work fine with Mac's and I'd assume also Linux, though never tested that. ;)


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  • The XBox 360 controller works best with the Gamepad object, AFAIK.

  • It's not nice to force all users to buy Xbox 360 gamepad which works best.

    However, Unity3D supports all gamepad that modern browsers don't work.

  • Thanks for the recommendations. The Xbox 360 controller isn't what I'm looking for, but since it's so popular, I'll pick it up. I'm looking for a controller that works with the W3C gamepad API.

    It's not nice to force all users to buy Xbox 360 gamepad which works best.

    However, Unity3D supports all gamepad that modern browsers don't work.

    This gamepad is for me. The game I'm working on has several control options (touch, virtual gamepad, keyboard, physical gamepad). I wouldn't expect anyone to buy a controller just to play a game.

  • Nobody's forcing you to buy an XBox 360 controller, and several other kinds of controller should work fine. However Windows has drivers for it pre-installed, some other systems support it by default, and C2's Gamepad object uses the XBox 360 controller buttons as the standard button set which other controller buttons are mapped to, so it's generally the easiest controller to use.

    Also note I think the wired controller is cheaper and works out of the box - using the wireless controller with a PC requires some driver installation IIRC.

  • That's a good point about a plug-in and play controller. So the Xbox 360 controller is the default controller that everything is mapped to in C2? Do you plan to add iOS 7 controller support?

    It would be nice if there was a universal controller. I think a W3C controller would be the closest thing to that. I can see Firefox and Chrome supporting the API. Now if someone would just make one.

  • Xbox 360 uses Xinput, it would support all modern browsers, but DirectInput gamepads doesn't.

    Chrome won't fix an unsupported USB gamepad due to: some stability issues with DirectInput on Windows causing browser crashes, so they've dropped DirectInput gamepad support.

  • Construct 2 uses the browser-based Gamepad API for the Gamepad plugin. It works on any platform that supports it. AFAIK iOS doesn't currently support it, but as soon as they add it the plugin will start working on that platform.

  • Has anyone tried the PS4/xbone controller yet?

    Chrome won't fix an unsupported USB gamepad due to: some stability issues with DirectInput on Windows causing browser crashes, so they've dropped DirectInput gamepad support.

    Wow, that sucks. That's like the majority of inputs/gamepads down the toilet. So stupid...

  • Ok the PS4 controller doesn't use Xinupt so probably won't work with Chrome, zzz.

  • Is there a way to support Directinput with node-webkit?

  • I'm guessing you can use x360ce emulator to simulate Xinput.

    Did someone tried? I'm guessing (again) that you might have to put it inside your browser's .exe directory.

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