Yeah, Davio, I grew up with the SNES sound, and for a long time I thought the Genesis soundchip was **** (which, for the most part, it was). However, it was awesome mixes by people like
that made me take a second look at the cool unique nature of the FM chip.
Also, thank you the rest for all of your supportive comments! It's nice to know that some folks enjoy some of my music!
Anyhoo, speaking of the SNES, I made a new Super Nintendo track, for a sequel of a Construct game I haven't finished yet ... eel-s2-the
Soundcloud, because it's easier.
Sound like a shmup level? No? Oh well, I was going for something along the lines of Tamayo Kawamoto, one of my favorite VGM composers (along with .YACK and OGR from Zuntata).
But hey, said game is roughly 90% done (just need to do intro and credits graphics), so the Your Creations forum will be seeing that soon!
Then I work on perfecting my fallen-to-the-wayside platformers.