Awesome work everyone!
SoldjahBoy : Wow! Your Azarayah model is very impressive! That was done in Zbrush? I just learned 3dsMax 9 in school and we've been told about the almighty Zbrush and how powerful it is! Props on the face, that a is VERY difficult body part to does your wife feel about your style of women you do? *noting the ****** hint*
Cheers midnight
Yes she was done in zbrush 2.0 from a quick sketch I made. I am relatively inexpereinced at 3D modelling but zbrush is so easy to use, it's like molding with clay or something... very intuative. Also, my wife doesn't mind... she understands "art" I guess.
BTW alee that's a pretty awsome cover mockup! Very interesting concept and well executed.