Trine is actually a 3d game with the camera point set in as a 2d platformer,yes these games are amazing , however most of the new gen physics 2d games at the style of tiny wings ,angry birds and so on are using 3d engines and then render vector graphics so they actually have a mix of 2d art and 3d capabilities on a limited extend.
That is what is bothering me , i love 2d games ,but using 3d engine tecniques is far superior for even making 2d games,
your previous post about unity made me do a nice little research and i found these "add ons" that can be bought in the unity asset store
and demo vid
Similar to BrashMonkeys Spriter(which is a joke seeing their hidden pay to gain access forum and their carnaval of fake advertisements such as bicubic interpolation (smoothen movemnt)which dont work or are supposed to work for those who prepay) or Adobe flash 2d vector games on unity
an event driven coding interface similar to playmaker that you mentioned,
i havent had the time to test them but i will, you see the point im trying to make ?
It's that combining 2d and 3d in a game in a graphic style similar to
intrusion 2 graphics style
here get a link
But i see no help from anywhere, these games seem to magically pop up everyday on steam and other websites and they although their are very interesting technical accomplishments they dont say anything about how they where built like the engine they used or atleast upload a video of the dev days and behind the scene stuff...