Hey there friends,
I'd love to take my 1000th post to make a little contest and to thank you for being such a great community!
Thanks for more than 2 years with this awsome software, thanks for countless hours of fun and sometimes mind grinding problems. Thanks for a gazillion "ähhh" and "Ohhh" moments, thank you for all the nice people i met from all over the world. Thank you for the genius feeling of making your own app. Thank you for countless constructive comments and Information. Thank you for introducing me the fantastic world of computergame developement, thank you for all your great examples, tutorials and plugins. Thank you for this experience, thank you for this journey! Thank you community guys and a real big thank you to London in the centre of this universe! You are all beaverlicious!:-)
Soo yeahh... Just wanted to share that with you. Here comes my little celebration contest.
Simply make a posting and tell me whats the most beaverlicious thing in your life or the world in general?:-)
Top ten comments, which I'll choose by creativity, can choose one from any asset I have on the store at the moment. Contest lasts this weekend! Be creative, be beaverlicious!:-)
Store page: http://www.scirra.com/store/sellers/robin-metz-36