Made a program for visual editing of the array. After creating a Event (System - On start of layout) and choose the action Array - Load. There are inserting the resulting JSON and when loading the game get filled array.
There is a function to save and load the array, changing the size of the array.
When you create a JSON into account the value of the cell and provides the correct format as numbers and text.
Hopefully useful to many. Since some of the array is not used because of its intricacies
Basic features:
-Working with large arrays (More than 1000000 cells)
-Working with 3D arrays (X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis)
-Built-in memory for 10 arrays
-Load array from JSON
-Ability to invert the axis
Update 10.04.2015
ArrayCE_v2.0. New Beta version. Creat on Construct2