indiegamedesign - I've only just come across this thread, but thanks for the initiative. I see now that the opportunity is closed, but I'd be interested in looking into it if you ever want another C2 dev creating templates. I'm also interested to know how successful it becomes in future.
p.s. Rex is one of the best and most prolific plugin creators on this forum. I currently use about 15-20 of his plugins so he would be an excellent template provider.
Animate &
dhondon - I understand how you guys feel, but something like this could provide a real boost to C2. If you take a look at Unity, their Asset store is an amazing little economy right there. Sure it costs money (not much) for the assets, but it saves people a ton of time looking for them or creating them from scratch (not possible in my case - I can't draw as well as artists).
I've spent countless hours looking for good/appropriate sprites over the last year, but could never find any that were of decent quality and/or reasonable prices.
I for one will be following this site, not just as a potential contributor, but as a consumer.