I search a little 2D Retro Charakter with an Sword in the Hand.
The Charakter should have an walk animation and a sword hit animation.
Do you mean like this? <img src="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/209/4/c/anime_sword_knight_sprites_pa1_by_blazeingyoshi-d3l2ej9.png" border="0" />
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Heh I just found that on Google images, looks like it was drawn by Blazeing Yoshi, although it does remind me of Kirby games for some reason.
Right on the nose there, Jayjay. That's the sword knight from Kirby... it even has weird little animation frame where kirby squeezes himself tight when he does the little dance at the end of a level.
RandomFellow Ah yeah, thought so haha. Probably a good idea for PlasmaGames2013 to avoid using it in commercial games/past beta or prototyping stage for sure then.