Hello! I am looking for a expert programmer who is very experienced with C2 to work with me on the development of a Superhero Card Game called, "Hometown Heroes."
Compensation would be a percentage of revenues generated from the sales of the game.
I've spent the past year designing, testing, redesigning, and retesting the game. In addition, I've invested $6k on art assets for it.
An additional $7k in art will need to be spent on additional art assets for V2 of the game. Plus $1k on original music. These costs will come out of future revenues.
I originally intended on making the game as a paper product, but I have decided that doing so is too expensive. So, I want to develop it further as a digital card game, instead. The game would be initially released on my company web site as a free to play two-player game until it has been thoroughly play-tested.
After, we would release it for $4.95 on the company web site, and perhaps on Kongregate.
You and I would have a contract that specifies revenue percentages, and legalities.
Visit http://www.armchairadventuring.com to see the work-in-progress web site explaining the game.