Hello everyone,
I'm currently looking for someone skilled in programming to help me finish several game projects: my license Construct 3 ends in a week, and I would like to finalize my games before the expiration to publish them. If they are successful, I could then be sure to renew my license to continue game development. I am looking for a person very active in programming from tomorrow to work a good part of the week. This is mainly the finishing of two games already well advanced: first a quiz game where you have to add some events and a game mode, and a jumping game where you have to add a shop to buy items in the game (with fictitious money collected when playing) as well as some events like appearances of random monsters at certain times.
The quiz game will certainly be successful because it revolves around a game already well known and I am in contact with the company of this game that will promote my quiz on social networks (so I will reach many people to the publication of the quiz). I plan to monetize obviously both games using advertising once in the game, and we will share the income proportionally. Thank you for contacting me at: thomascollin1009jsq@outlook.fr or add me on discord: Legend Arena # 5805 if you are interested !
Thank you in advance and good luck to all!
Quiz game preview
Jumping game preview