Thomas_Collin's Forum Posts

  • Hi Thomas,

    Yes I posted it here before asking you directly on your website.

    Thanks again for your help on the subject !

  • Hi Enhance team!

    I'm struggling with GDPR code right now... after following the documentation on your website, I can't display consent dialog (my app is published on store, so not in test mode) so there is no ads displayed. I tried reaching you on your website but your response time seems very long. Is there a way to communicate easily through Discord or something like this ?

    Thanks in advance for your help !

  • Good evening,

    I am a student and indie developer who recently released his first mobile game on the Google Play Store. You can find my work here :

    Currently about to complete my Master's degree in Business & Data Analytics, I am about to be hired as UA & Monetization Manager in a hypercasual video game studio. However, I intend to continue the development of casual pixel art games which are a real passion for me. Beyond the pleasure of inventing game ideas and designing them, I also want them to be profitable. I will therefore develop my knowledge in acquisition very soon through concrete professional experience in order to optimize the promotion and income of my future games.

    I am now looking for a narrator (English mandatory, French is a plus) and a pixel artist specializing in animation for two different projects on mobile: a storytelling game and a platformer, still in the casual universe.

    For more information regarding game projects, please contact me by email ( or add me on Discord (Thomas C.#1972) to discuss more easily.

    Regarding the remuneration, it is planned to share the future income from the games, so it is not a paid/freelance work (the percentage of income will be discussed according to your wish or not to invest equally in the advertising budget when the game is released).

    Thank you in advance for reading and looking forward to meet talented and passionate people 🙂

  • Google Play Console is telling me it can take few days for my app to be published.. is it normal ?

  • Okay thanks a lot for your help! Do you know approximately how long it will take before getting this link?

    About the code, as I didn't really know how the plugin was working, I tried things but I'm sure this is ugly. I'm a beginner in Construct and coding in general but my project is already done, and I understood all the things you talk about (variables, events,...)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Okay, I completed the "all app" section by adding my game, I'm waiting for the alpha to be published right now. The play service is also linked to the app with the "com.myname.mygame" url.

    Sorry about the code, I just followed the manual about Google Play plugin. Google play is supposed to launch at the start of the game, then if it has automaticaly sign in the player, it goes to the menu (layout start), and if it fails, it show a login window (set with buttonclick =1) and the player should be able to log in thanks to the button.

    I don't know if the code is correct or not, and if it was not working cause I didn't add my game to the "all applications" section. Now, I should wait for the alpha to be published before testing it again right ? If yes, were am I supposed to go to test it again ? Should I just import the apk I put in the google play console on my phone ?

  • Hi, thanks for your quick answer. Yeah, I already read the manual ten times haha

    So my first question is, should my game be registered in the "all applications tab" of Google Play console and published in the Google Play store for the plugin to work ?

    At this time, nothing is happening. Here is my code :

    The properties of my plugin are "639524379564" for the Application ID, and that's all. I didn't fill the Client ID as mentionned in the manual because this is for Android device.

  • Hey guys, I'm trying to integrate a leaderboard from Google Play services to my game, but first I'm struggling to connect with Google Play. If anyone has already experienced this plugin, please could you help me ? You can add Legend Arena #5805 on Discord to contact me.

    Thanks a lot in advance !

  • Up ! :)

  • Hello,

    I use the rex's leaderboard plugin (connected to a "Firebase" database) for my game but I encounter a problem when connecting, either by Facebook or by Google, when I test my game on mobile. Indeed, the pop ups are blocked by the phone, which makes the connection to the database impossible. Would there be a solution or an alternative to this plugin?

    Thank you in advance for your help !

  • Hey, thanks for your answer ! So could the plugin work for two database in the same Firebase project ? (instead of creating 2 different Firebase project like I did)

  • Hello, I am currently designing a quiz game with two different modes. The first uses the rex rainbow leaderboard plugin to display a scoreboard for the players. It is connected to a database (Firebase) and works very well. I would like to use the same plugin for the second mode of my quiz: unfortunately, the plugin can not be duplicated in the project and it can not be used for two databases at the same time. Do you have a solution to bring me, for those who have already encountered this problem?

    Thank you in advance for your help !

  • Thanks for your answer ! I saw recently that post on the forum about ads revenues, do you think it is possible or is he lying ? (he said he used chartboost ad network)

  • Hi guys,

    I plan to publish my first game soon, and as it will be available for free, I'd like to add ads to try to generate some revenue. What type of advertising would you advise me to incorporate into my game? Should I use built-in advertising plugins in Construct or import other plugins?

    Thank you in advance for your help !

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm currently looking for someone skilled in programming to help me finish several game projects: my license Construct 3 ends in a week, and I would like to finalize my games before the expiration to publish them. If they are successful, I could then be sure to renew my license to continue game development. I am looking for a person very active in programming from tomorrow to work a good part of the week. This is mainly the finishing of two games already well advanced: first a quiz game where you have to add some events and a game mode, and a jumping game where you have to add a shop to buy items in the game (with fictitious money collected when playing) as well as some events like appearances of random monsters at certain times.

    The quiz game will certainly be successful because it revolves around a game already well known and I am in contact with the company of this game that will promote my quiz on social networks (so I will reach many people to the publication of the quiz). I plan to monetize obviously both games using advertising once in the game, and we will share the income proportionally. Thank you for contacting me at: or add me on discord: Legend Arena # 5805 if you are interested !

    Thank you in advance and good luck to all!

    Quiz game preview

    Jumping game preview