Looking for someone to help me out with a endless jumper game like doodlejump I worked on a few months back.
(Had stuff going on in meantime, now I'm free to work on it)
Art is mostly done for it, I just need help programming some of the mechanics/features I've not done yet and clean up/change/make better the existing stuff I've programmed in already.
Preferably would like someone with experience releasing on Android (Using cocoon or some other method is okay)
Have a budget of around $150 at the moment, but $50ish of that I hope will be going towards sound/music.
I think it is a relatively small job as alot of the game is already done.
Hoping to have it released by xmas as a free to play game with small adverts during menus; So willing to talk percentages from ad revenue too.
PM me here or email me at discmachanm@googlemail.com