i wrangled a mish mash of people together to make a gatcha game.
"artists" who get ai generated images.
basic artists. who design buttons.
and a professional game musician, who will work for free near completion for a cut of the money.
but... its just me, working my **** off... daily. its been about 3 weeks, and others have lost interest. art will take months. programming is pretty simple tbh, just a ton of arrays. but, later it will need a ton of work to make it online, and multiplayer
so, im reaching out to the construct community!
any one want to help? i dont care if you just provide ideas/ do some exp growth math/ have chat GBT and can provide royalty free backgrounds or characters/ can design maps/ or can actively code! theres lots to polish. but it is working as of now. it will require alot of testing or knowledge to make it multiplayer. but, it is designed so it is multiple auto battles.
i know getting a game into google play is possible, i know transactions are possible. but, ive never done it before.
right now, i have a shell up.
and i have got arrays to store data to be saved, and to reorder a roster.
i have 3 maps completed. battle system works, and i am just adding things like ultimate abilities.
do you want to be paid? yes. lets make this a game, and split the earnings! but, i cant pay you per hour. this is just to tap into the stupidly lucrative gatcha industry.
*thats the main summery of it*
I wanted to have league of legend style 2d moving animations in the roster. so started on blender. im improving quickly. to the point i think i can bin 2d and just use 3d... save it as a frame collection, and import it to C3.
there is a discord. with, a basics blender tutorial. progress. road map. game lore. character design (skills) and character art.
currently, 3 characters are complete. 8 are planned.
and im working on animations for battle.
more maps are needed. areas are pre planned.
summoning is planned, but not implemented.
how a map, and story flows is planned. but, only the map is designed.
item slots are implemented. but no item menu or planned items.(outside of a rough guide)
please. if you want to know more. i will happily answer any questions.
please. if you want to be involved, lets build a gatcha game.
just for a feel of it. battles are auto. you just build a team, then can launch multiple battles at once. so, arena. its just a point based system. no one actively goes 1v1. your game just pulls array values of opponents.