lets make a game!

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  • i wrangled a mish mash of people together to make a gatcha game.

    "artists" who get ai generated images.

    basic artists. who design buttons.

    and a professional game musician, who will work for free near completion for a cut of the money.

    but... its just me, working my butt off... daily. its been about 3 weeks, and others have lost interest. art will take months. programming is pretty simple tbh, just a ton of arrays. but, later it will need a ton of work to make it online, and multiplayer

    so, im reaching out to the construct community!

    any one want to help? i dont care if you just provide ideas/ do some exp growth math/ have chat GBT and can provide royalty free backgrounds or characters/ can design maps/ or can actively code! theres lots to polish. but it is working as of now. it will require alot of testing or knowledge to make it multiplayer. but, it is designed so it is multiple auto battles.

    i know getting a game into google play is possible, i know transactions are possible. but, ive never done it before.

    right now, i have a shell up.

    and i have got arrays to store data to be saved, and to reorder a roster.

    i have 3 maps completed. battle system works, and i am just adding things like ultimate abilities.

    do you want to be paid? yes. lets make this a game, and split the earnings! but, i cant pay you per hour. this is just to tap into the stupidly lucrative gatcha industry.

    *thats the main summery of it*

    I wanted to have league of legend style 2d moving animations in the roster. so started on blender. im improving quickly. to the point i think i can bin 2d and just use 3d... save it as a frame collection, and import it to C3.

    there is a discord. with, a basics blender tutorial. progress. road map. game lore. character design (skills) and character art.

    currently, 3 characters are complete. 8 are planned.

    and im working on animations for battle.

    more maps are needed. areas are pre planned.

    summoning is planned, but not implemented.

    how a map, and story flows is planned. but, only the map is designed.

    item slots are implemented. but no item menu or planned items.(outside of a rough guide)

    please. if you want to know more. i will happily answer any questions.

    please. if you want to be involved, lets build a gatcha game.

    just for a feel of it. battles are auto. you just build a team, then can launch multiple battles at once. so, arena. its just a point based system. no one actively goes 1v1. your game just pulls array values of opponents.

  • Moved to Team Requests forum.

    Heroes4hire please remember that this is a family-friendly forum, so do think about your language when describing your game.

  • Laura_D

    thank you for moving it to the correct forum. might explain why i never see people asking for help.

    but... what did i say that wasnt family friendly? this isnt a place id swear.

    sorry if i mis spoke... im generally very careful is it the avatar art work?

    thats ai generated, i just animated it

  • You are asking a lot in exchange of, maybe, a cut of the sale.

    I'm sorry it doesn't work in that way, especially for big projects.

    You'd better start something small and then with the earnings pay the team members you will need for a bit more complex game and so on.

    You can try, but it's easier to win the lottery...

  • its 90% art.

    im not asking for full time investment into it.

    just looking for people who see the wide open gatcha market, that would spare time for a potentially big pay day

    seriously, whats wrong with the world, cant work unless its cash in hand.

    we are all here caus we love game development right. lets team up for something big!

  • programming is pretty simple tbh, just a ton of arrays. but, later it will need a ton of work to make it online, and multiplayer

    If it's pretty simple, then you don't need help, but then you say (correctly) that will need a ton of work for making it online and multiplayer. So how do you expect someone to work for free for 1 year or more in something that might be a flop?

    do you want to be paid?

    Is that even a question to ask? Like "Are you so annoying that after working for months you want even to be paid?"

    its 90% art.

    That is an additional cost, if you don't do the art, how are you planning to have artists work for you for free for so much art? Because if for this type of game you are going to take roughly at least 1 year of development, and that's only the 10%, that meants that the art is 9 years worth of work...

    seriously, whats wrong with the world, cant work unless its cash in hand.

    I think you miss the point. Look, I bought a very bad condition house on a small mountain. You can come here in Japan (you pay your trip, food and accommodation), then you start to fix my house, cut the bamboo forest, fix the land and plant fruit trees and vegetables. Then we cut part of the forest, we make a fence to protect the 6000 square meter of land, we did to find mountain water and then we make some little bungalows for tourists. That's at least 1 year of work you will have to take care about. I will take care of the marketing, managing, accounting, advertising, set up the bungalows internal etc., that's about 90% of the work. If we make money I will give you 10% of the income. Can you start next month?

    Now do you understand?

    Seriously, I gave you a good advice in the previous post. You are free to don't consider my suggestion, but don't complain then if people don't want to waste their time on your project.

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    i dont... need help... its a simple programming task, thats the beauty of it. Sure it will take months as there is 100 layers of simple tasks..

    i need things like:

    make the purchases offers windows.

    make the items ( its planned, needs creative input)

    make the items ( its planned. just need to implement made art)

    make a map, with provided tilemaps. the programming (shell) is done. just need tilemaps drawn

    or, slap in data for the enemies you will battle. (WHO, STAR, LEVEL)(stats are calculated, not typed)

    in a map, there is 10 stages, with 8 levels. its auto battle. you dont need to watch. and you are capped to what stage you can do by player level.

    but. each stage needs fitting enemies.

    character ideas. 12, are made so far. im not explaining the concept unless you are in the discord.

    just a ton of small things.. they arent hard. but its time consuming alone. especially as most of it will require me to be in blender animating.

    90% art.. yes.. however. Ai gives royalty free art. im just looking for someone to type in words... i aint paying you to do that... but, do it, sure. you were a role in development, vital to progression, people like that are needed!.

    theres 60 characters that have skins. no rush, 4 a week with skins.

    just for funsies. i like your analogy... except.. you dont pay to invest in this... its more like theres 600 yards of land in japan. we both live in japan and both have knowledge that can accelerate the project. lets work together to make it profitable and split the earnings! 10% if there are 10 people working. currently there is 4.

    also... waste time? if it doesnt go anywhere, you end up with a ton of pre made assets, and code... AND art... its really a win win.. and if it does take off.l you are a profesional game developer

  • "i dont... need help... its a simple programming task, thats the beauty of it. Sure it will take months as there is 100 layers of simple tasks.. "

    I don't understand, if you don't need help, why posting on Job Offers then?

    "90% art.. yes.. however. Ai gives royalty free art."

    Using AI will more likely bring you more trouble than benefit, and not only to you.

    "also... waste time? if it doesnt go anywhere, you end up with a ton of pre made assets, and code... AND art... its really a win win.. and if it does take off.l you are a profesional game developer"

    Then, as professional game developer, if I have to spend so much effort for something that is not sure to bring me profit, why sharing the revenue when I can work directly on my project? That's the point you are missing and that's why people are not joining you.

    Anyway, I tried to give you advice, you are welcome to ignore it. Good luck with your idea, I go back to work on my project until a new real paid freelance opportunity will arise.

  • dont know why you even bothered writing tbh...

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