Im seeking a dev for, let me shorten it up: a character "barebone". Means: I need a universal "character-template" which can be costumized by the player by given tags, such as: if attackrange=X, then the final character needs to be X pixels away from the target to attack. Or things like costumizable attributes (if character buys skill XY in shop, then highen its attack/lower cooldown, etc.).
I roughly know how to achieve this, but it would be great to get a "well coded" template for that (regarding performance and stuff).
All characters, which are created out of this template every round, are beeing controlled by players (sidescroller, versus game) - so no AI (or basic elements to enable it) is needed.
Does someone can PM me with details - or got a simple tutorial for this? This seems the best way (for me) to achieve a character selection with less code (to name some gamed: Leagues of Legends, World of Warcraft or any other game where a character meets different classes... dont want to write the whole code for every possible character... taking a "template system"would be a better deal ;D).
Best regards,