scientific misfit
2d multipackedgame
a 2d lab exploding fast paced action
make fast decisions
good or bad!
find out the formula to a new begining/
a new end
of the world muhhhaa.
shake escape
a fast action packed
platformer where the ground starts eroiding and shaking after every step
help the missionary get to safety on
a varitey of diffrent levels and bonus games
collect bonus
such as torpedo rope guns
and whisky.
beaver feaver
is a 2 d platformer with a twist
help the beaver collect his logs
and take them to the nearest river to get across however you must find enough logs to cross
the river
other wise
you are stuck untill you find them
enemys will be a sneaky ambush of badgers and foxes at random
trying to eat at your fatty flesh
a 2d platformer style/side scroller
on wheelchair
has to go down lifts and avoid the elevators and fend of gangs of chaves with his walking stick while in the wheelchair
let me know if you uase the ideas.