Create Fun Educational Games with a Growing Ed-Tech Company!

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Explore through a curated variety of melodic bass lines, steady stomping drums, melodies, potent loops & one shots.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Adrián and I represent Legends of Learning.

    Through an innovative marketplace of educational games, we teach math and science to nearly 10 million students in over 30,000 schools (and growing fast). We are looking to work with passionate game developers interested in revenue share to build FUN games that also happen to teach.

    Games on our platform usually consist of 10-15 minutes of gameplay to teach a specific academic topic, and developers have complete creative freedom (really!) in how that topic is taught.

    The longer your game stays on the platform, the more you will earn. Some devs have multiple games on the platform, so their total earnings can be much higher. Just last year, we distributed more than $1 million dollars to game developers.

    You also retain game IP and can reuse existing assets from your previously made games, provided that it makes sense in the context of an educational game for kids. Forget about dealing with marketing and focus completely on game development!

    Whether you are an independent developer or part of a 100-person studio, we want to work with you. Unlike other platforms where only a few lucky studios strike gold in a ""winner take all"" marketplace, Legend's innovative model provides significant and growing payouts to the MEDIAN developer, with great payouts for top developers.

    Does building games that matter sound interesting to you? Visit Legends of Learning Game Dev – Be Part of the Revolution and sign up!

  • Hello adrian_nieto ,

    If you have time, please contact me to discuss more details: contact[at]



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  • Hi adrian_nieto, I saw you and others posting this ad for a few years now, using different accounts.

    Do you have a list of games made with Construct 2 and Construct 3 and the relative developers?

    I would be curious to talk to them, since from what I can see, there is basically no earning for the job offered. It would be great if someone could confirm everyone here that the job is safe and there is a real opportunity of reward for the time and effort spent, because your business model sounds at the very edge of the scam.

    In my opinion, the best thing your company could do to ensure that developers are paid properly is to offer a minimum pay for the development + additional payment based on performance as from your normal conditions. This will provide you quality developers and games, and it will benefit you, your customers and the developers working for you.

    Anyone else here that has worked for Legends of Learning is welcome to contact me to give me a feedback about it.

    Thank you.

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