I'm looking for some working tcg games to buy.
Basics (must have):
Should have an easy way to add new cards (admin/developer only),
players must be able to create their own decks using the already made cards. (Players can't create new cards).
Must have the gameplay basics already done: shuffle deck, put card from deck to hand, put cards from hand to table, activate (attack, ability, etc) a card, finish a turn, etc.
Then I would pay more for a game that already have:
- AI (Being able to play Singleplayer game)
- Multiplayer (Being able to play with other players)
- Automatic gameplay (Abilities, attacks, etc are made automatically, players doesn't need to change values by themselves)
If someone is interested in made a new game,
please PM me with your plans and how much you are willing to get for your game.
If you already have a tcg game made, PM me and tell me how it is and if you can, attach some screenshots, also tell me how much you are willing to get for the game.
Game could (and probably will) be edited to fit my needs.
Credits for the original author won't be deleted.
If game is distributed/published it will be for free.
Note: I'm not interested in effects, sounds, and things like that, just the game itself working properly.
I most likely would pay via paypal.