Build a Team [Project Apocalypse Knights]

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Survival Music Featuring Soaring Emotional Themes, Tense Underscores And Epic Action Cues
  • Hello everyone, I introduce myself, my name is matthew and I would put on a team to create a quite particular game, based on a story that tells of the adventures of the horsemen of the apocalypse. My intent is to make a game in 2d and develop along with other people as I am new in this world. concluded the project would like to add it in the play store so as to split the profits with the other people who will not stand. for now I'm trying to figue am a programmer and a designer to help me in creating the scenes, backgrounds and characters.

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  • Hi, I'm a game designer and a programmer, and this project seems interesting, but it would be helpful if you could give some more information, like what genre the game would be or what the story will be. I saw that you want to put it up on the Play store, so I'm guessing it's mainly for smartphones. Anyway, email me at daem_on(at)

  • first of all thanks for answering. if you know at least the story of knights, each of them has a "story" and I would like to focus on this aspect of the game. I think before you actually become knights were of the people, good people, and calls for this to be the bearers of a divine punishment on the rest of the world. before they become knights have trials and they have to grow personally, to understand what they actually are doing.

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