In iphone 4 and android, its pretty easy to hide the address bar to get the extra screen space. E.g. go to or with either handset, and you will see the addrss bar go.
Some sites don't do this, e.g does not hide the address bar.
We need a solution which allows the game to play in the full (retina or non-retina) resolution available without the addess bar (i.e. on ihpone 4: 960 - (height of the bottom tool bar - height of the top status bar)).
1) This needs to work in portrait and landscape (and allow changes between)
2) It must work with C2 crop fullscreen mode (as some UI elements are anchored to the endges and move relative to the edge to handle different screen sizes.
3) It should allow the game to make full use of the maximum browser space avaialble without the address bar in the standard browsers on android and iphone.
4) Other platforms, such as desktop browsers (such as FF, Chrome, IE etc), and ipad should not be affected.
5) it must work in R99 (as all our projects are done in this version)
6) It should work on the standard browser of the iphone 4, 4s and android 2.2 or higher. Iphone 3 highly desirable.
There are thousands of posts on how to remove the addres bar, and many use this code or a variation:
// if mobile browser detected
addEventListener("load", function() {
window.scrollTo(1, 0);
}, false);
However, this requires that the page is at least the screen size wihout the bar. The construct 2 window makes itself the size with the bar, i.e. on iphone 4 with retina enabled = 640x712
To see the address bar go, simply put some <br><br><br> at the top or bottom of the body tag of the exported index.html, add the above js, and the bar will go. however, the C2 game still thinks its only 640x712, and the <br> obvoiusly screws up the page by adding blank areas.
A solution might be:
1) a list of modifications to the index.html produced by the the export function.
2) a plugin for R99
This must not use appmobi, phonegap or any other framework which bundels the game in proprietory container.
Payment will be made on verification of source code working on our project, via bank transfer (UK banks) or paypal.
Payment will purhcase full excluseive rights to use the solution in any manner.
A partial amount (?10) will be paid if someone figures out a way to hard code this for retina size iphone 4/4s only, without affecting other browsers, and noone figures out the full solution (which would include android and non-retina)
The deadline is 5pm (GMT+1) 29th Aug.
If more than one sumbimsion is recieved by then, the best will be selected. if there are more than one with which work perfectly, then the first will be paid.
If there are flaws, side-effects or issues with the solution, and these can be fixed within 2 days of the deadline, the amount will still be paid.
If no-one can find a working soluion, then we will have to abandon C2 and abandon the project. :(