The Game
Faded World Episode, from our to-be established Aeon Chronicles series, is a 2D side-scroller with platformer elements, puzzle solving, combo-based action combat and dynamic story events, set in a black and white world, with colored main characters. It is a thought-provoking journey through the universe’s conundrums, accompanied by over 2000 years of lore as the foundation of a black and white fantasy world with amazing detail, enveloped in a mysterious sci-fi universe.
Currently working on a playable alpha, launching a Square Enix Pre-Campaign this month and a crowdfunding campaign sometime after. Weekly tasks in a results-based environment. Our schedule is pretty flexible, but it's a priority for everyone. Being a big project, we can't wait to bring it to life, piece by piece. Being a 0$ budget team, from nothing we've come to create something quite amazing which we'll show in the months ahead.
We've also grown into a friendly and tight team considering just 6 months ago we had no idea about the existence of each other. We began as Cat in a Hat team and slowly turned into something with a clear vision of what we're aiming for with Aeon Chronicles. Not just a develop and drop game, but an ongoing series and start-up to CreaByte Studios.
The available positions
Looking for a dedicated character artist, who will be tasked with the concept and the design of characters. Should be aware of the need for the design to be on a limb-by-limb structure for easy implementation into the Spriter software. Should fit our art-style or at least be able to adapt almost seamlessly. If you contact us please include a portfolio of sorts.
Looking for a dedicated character programmer, tasked with programming everything character-oriented, from basic programmable animations to character game-systems. Should be comfortable with C2's Spriter plugin. Will be working alongside our Level and all-around programmer.
Some useful links
AeonChronicles. net
ludust. com/projects/aeon-chronicles-faded-world-episode/
collective.square-enix. com/
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Some Artwork and Under-development animations
i.imgur. com/61rNkQT.jpg
ludust. com/wp-content/uploads/mediapress/groups/96/5914/thumbnails-forest-4.jpg
ludust. com/wp-content/uploads/mediapress/groups/96/5914/Background-Thumbnail-Sketches.jpg
imgur. com/u8RudOU
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Final Notes
Just to make it clear, these are unpaid positions. All 10 members of our team are working out of passion for this project. Potential revenue upon launch(retail) will be split equally between all, with a portion going to the start-up of our studio.
If interested contact us at CreabyteStudiosjjm@gmail .com
If you have any questions either contact us with the email above, or leave a comment below