RPi3/Chromium and Construct 3 - Render issues

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  • Hello all!

    Well, I'm trying to develop a game for Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I very well aware that RPI3 is an underpowered system but Im developing a very simple game. Its just a prize when with a couple of animations.

    I found that using frame by frame animations would be the most efficient all around. I'm making animations that have no more than 15 frames and are 520x520px. I export the HTML using the compression and the sprites are generated by C3.

    2 animations are triggered one by user input and the other is triggered by the end of the first one.

    When I execute the log of the browser gives me this error:

    RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It might be non-power-of-2 or have incompatible texture filtering (maybe)?

    So the sprite is a power of 2 (C3 makes sure of that, and the texture filtering shouldnt be a problem.

    What am I doing wrong?


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  • If the same project works on other devices, I would guess it's a problem with Raspberry Pi's graphics driver. It would probably be best to report it either to the Raspberry Pi team (to fix the root cause) or to Google if the issue happens in Chromium (who might be able to work around it).

    Or, if nothing is visibly wrong with the game, you might just be able to ignore it!

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