Feasibility of RTS multiplayer in Construct 3

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I am currently developing an RTS game. At the "peak" of the game, each of the 4 factions (players) could have 200 "units" and 50-75 "buildings". I am interested in making the game multiplayer, but I am concerned with the feasibility of such a project. From and bandwidth and processing standpoint, is it feasible for the engine and/or web socket to accommodate such a game? Also how feasible is it for a person to develop such a project? I have used Construct for a little over a year, and have a pretty good handle on a lot of Construct's features, but would not consider myself an expert. Can I get some advice on how large of a project I am getting myself into, please?

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  • Yeah you couldn't possibly expect 800, let alone 200 individual tanks, etc to get updated in real time. You would most likely have to fake interactions and use probability based on statistics.

    Keep in mind thousands of individual objects should be doable for each players system.

  • The engine and tech can handle it, it's bandwidth you have to worry about, which doesn't have much to do with either. Although to me it doesn't sound unreasonable to have a few hundred objects synced, I haven't tried it myself so take it with a grain of salt.

  • Not sure how much experience you have as a game developer but RTS games are extremely challenging, difficult to design, balance and test.

    Unless you've developed other games before I would set your sights about 80% lower. Make a pre-RTS like game, either Tower Defense or a sort of MOBA. Scale it way back to a handful of units, then experiment with multiplayer.

    C3 does have its limitations (like any engine) and NWjs has performance issues in general, nevermind taxing it with 1000s of objects. *remember each unit could easily have multiple objects attached to it: a muzzle flash, some sort of particle emitter for showing movement, fx, bullets, animations, minimap object, nevermind background art etc...

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