Creating an online level browser for user submitted levels

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  • The game I've been developing for the past 3 years has a level editor which allows user created levels to be shared between players. I'm close to a point where I'm considering early access (open alpha) and I need to start thinking about how are people actually going to share their levels.

    As of right now, it's super easy to export the level code with a few clicks, shared on a website like pastebin and imported by copy/pasting it inside the editor. That's fine and I'm willing to use this method for now (I mean look a Path of Exile for example, 50% of this game is played outside of the client [joking of course]), but I kind of want to make this process more integrated into the game itself. The game is not locked to a specific platform or launcher so it needs to have its own way of handling this logic.

    These are challenges I see:

    • User authentication (for submissions)
    • Level code and metadata storage
    • Level approval and status
    • Level rating and stats
    • Level filtering (browse and search)

    And with that in mind these are the possible scenarios I see:

    • Integrate everything in-game, submission, searching, voting, etc.
    • Move submission to an online platform outside of the game while having the searching and voting in-game
    • Moving everything to an online platform including submission, searching and voting.
    • Forget about everything and have manual sharing between users (as it is right now) while select few levels can be featured directly in-game and updated regularly with new ones.

    As a front-end developer with limited back-end knowledge I know how this could work and might even be able to code the app myself with some outside (stackoverflow) help.

    Having in mind everything I mentioned above, do you think this is even worth doing? Should I instead opt for the more manual approach, like people sharing levels to me directly and if they are fun enough I can feature them in-game?

    If I go down the automated path do you have any ideas/technology that I might not be aware of that could make this whole process easier? Maybe a third-party solution that can handle authentication, submissions and storage?

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  • I believe Google Play Services is locked to Android isn't it?

    However FireBase seems like exactly what I was thinking and it might just work. The amount of data I need to store and transfer is so miniscule it probably would fall under their free plan unless there are a lot of active users which doesn't seem too pricy even at scale.

    Thank you for that, I'll look into it!

  • I've tinkered with firebase before and it does work pretty well. Haven't used it in a good while though, but it does pretty much exactly what you're looking for and then some. It's not super complex to set it up either.

    I'd also argue having your own little server somewhere has it's flair, but you'll have to deal with authentication, security etc. yourself and that's not exactly easy.

    As for a solution somewhere between:

    1. Setup a wordpress page that handles all the rating etc.

    2. Hook up the game with the wordpress api

    3. This should now allow the user to create "posts" on your wordpress page under their username from inside the game

    4. Setup user privileges etc. so you can moderate everything and so that people don't post questionable stuff. (As in posts need to be admin approved before being visible to the public)

    I'm not 100% sure on the whole api thing if that works (I think it should?) BUT the point is that a wordpress page can also just be used outside of the game. So if the API approach fails, you can easily fall back to just having the website as the level hub. And wordpress has categories and tagging and filtering build in too.

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