Checkers Devlog

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Play this game against AI, other player via Internet or with you friend on the same device.
  • Hello everyone, this is my new devlog for Checkers. I took a break from my projects but now im back. Checkers is a very fun game to play with friends and family. However. I want to add a unique arcade spin to it. Letting the player earn points from jumping pieces, becoming king an adding some cool retro animations to it. Everyone is welcome to give advice and make this game come to life.


  • Simplify the complexity

    To start off, I actually was a bit intimidated working on a project like this. It has a lot of challenges and can be very complex depending on the how you make it. For me, I do want my checker game to be a bit advance but simple to enjoy. I started breaking down the game on how to approach it and start off by simply making the board, the pieces and the instance variables that I will need to help me figure out how the pieces will move, get selected, jumped, etc. In editor I made these 4 colored objects called "SpaceCheck" to help my pieces detect if square is empty, move to, jump enemy or invalid to move or jump over. Yellow and Green indicates to move forward while blue and red indicates to move back once piece becomes King.

    I've gotten the piece to move so far in the eventsheet as well. I will focus on getting the pieces to move to the "SpaceCheck" objects so I can work on moving into the transitioning of getting the "SpaceChecks" to appear when player click on any of the red pieces.

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  • Hey everyone. Giving my update on checkers of what I got done so far and changes.

    Project Update-2

    So, im still messing around with the coding and im looking to make my checker piece detect the right and left forward square above it so player can move forward to the specific square. I made some instance variables for it and global variables as well. In my code, I did a simple click to move code for my checker piece. for the detecting, I will need to let the code know where my piece is on the board and somehow detect the two squares above. I took out the "spacechecks" objects as well because I think they will cause some issues deep down the road when the movement logic of the pieces evolves.

    Last I redesign my checker title, the menu and made the crowns for my checker pieces. I find the simple design of the title and the main menu screen much better and more retro like. The blue color isn't so strong for the background either. Much more calmer on the eyes as well.

    If your looking for a good app to make basic retro style pixel sprites with, I use an app site called Piskel. It's very useful for the types of games im making and you can make simple animations with it too. You can check it out in the link below.

    Thanks for the read and stay tune for the next update.

  • I like games with simple and minimalist graphics but entertaining mechanics. Thanks for sharing your progress in this game.

    All the best.

  • I like games with simple and minimalist graphics but entertaining mechanics. Thanks for sharing your progress in this game.

    Thanks. I like the simplicity but love entertaining mechanics as well. I just love the retro style area of games. My inspirations.

  • Project Update-2.1

    This is a minor update related to the previous things I discussed about in Update-2 post.

    I will need to let the code know where my piece is on the board and somehow detect the two squares above. I took out the "spacechecks" objects as well because I think...

    I decided to reused the "Spacechecks" objects (the small yellow, green. blue and red squares) for my game because it actually helped me detect only the two squares above as intended in the event sheet. Now, I will focus on making it detect other pieces to determine if the player can click on that square if it's valid to move on.

    I also added detail to the crown giving it a red ruby in the center of it as the previous crown looked bland without it on the pieces. Last I moved the HUD texts more closer to board as it was a bit too far out.

  • Project Update-2.2

    Happy Friday everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying their day or projects your eager to work on as I am with my project.

    For this update, I worked on valid and invalid move for the pieces. To start, I set up my event to detect if square is occupied with the "spacecheck" sprite object, highlighting it red to let the player know the square is not optional to click to. Once I set that I up, I added another event to prevent that player from clicking on that square, so if they do click on it, nothing happens.

    Piece is able to detect if it can move to valid square.

    What I learned

    Im very happy of how things are going with this project. It's fun and im understanding more on how to use booleans variables. I have better understanding with instance variables as well, I learned a bit about understanding the 2D grid and positioning of the board.

    To end this update. I will probably work on getting the red pieces to detect the white pieces. Or I will work on getting the "SpaceChecks" to update their position where the mouse is over a checker piece and when it clicks on that piece, it will set its position around it.

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