AndreasR Thanks! I will do the same with your game after work!
I will do the same with your game after work!
Thank you
I have done a purchase in your game! Nice work btw.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
AndreasR I have done a purchase in your game! Nice work btw.
Thank you very much
Anyone else?
Hi Iolva
I played your game once and I was thinking how you have made the drag and drop with an offset?
Would you mind to tell this? I'm struggling with that a way to long...
Thank you!
Of course I can help you, but tell me: What do you mean by "drop with an offset"?
I am wondering.
Why to do this?
Not implying anything is wrong with it, i just want to understand.
AndreasR Of course I can help you, but tell me: What do you mean by "drop with an offset"?
I mean if you drag an object to the board, it moves up so that the finger does not cover the object.
I don't know why I didn't read you question, sorry about that
But here can you see what I have done to achieve that: