[PLUGIN] Listview + 11 THEME + Sorting ** Update V1.5 **

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    Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mlti9l4p4bn7yde/AAA2e79UsoR-F9G5_HPJvlDRa?dl=0

    Other HMMG Plugins : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eyld20nrw3ersuy/AABNz84T_KdQGoYjHFsj2Y-8a?dl=0

    Hey , so here is my new Plugin , i made it for a job , but i want to share it with you


    Create a Listview it's like "Advanced List" , where you can , add/remove Rows , Sort Columuns, Select a row etc.....

    How to install :

    Copy/Paste the Folder in the zip file to your plugin's directory

    Close and re-open Construct 2 if it's opened

    How to Use and Preview

    Explication & Preview : http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/709519explication.jpg

    New ******* Themes Preview :

    for all explication we want a listview like this :

    ************** Properties **************

    Header : Add Titles for each Column Exemple : "Id:LastName:First Name:Salary"

    Items : Add Multiple Rows and Columns Ex: "0:Hsoumi:Mouadh:2500;1:Guillermo:Wilkerson:3924" etc....

    **** ; to Separate Rows

    **** : to Separate Columns

    Colomun Width : Set Columns Width Exemple (listview width = 700) :

    in % (percent)

    "20%:30%:30%:20%" -----> that means first Colomun will 20% width , seconde one 30% width , etc....

    Or in px(pixels)

    "100px:200px:200px:200px" -----> that means first Colomun will 100px width , seconde one 200px width , etc....

    Initial visibility : Set if Visible or No

    Header CSS : Add CSS to the header Exemple : "background-color:Yellow;color:Black;font-size:15px;"

    Rows CSS : Same as 'Header CSS' but for Rows CSS

    Cells CSS : Same as 'Cells CSS' but for Rows CSS

    Horizontal Alignement : Set text Horizontal alignement in each Cell (Left/Center/Right)

    VerticalAlignement : Set text vertical alignement in each Cell (Top/Center/Bottom)

    Show Grid : Show/Hide Grid

    Show Sorter : Show/Hide Sorter Icons , you can hide sorter but Enabled sorting , you can sort columns even Sorter icon is hidden

    Sorter Alignement : Set Sorter Icon alignement (Left/Center/Right)

    Fixed Header : When there is multiple Rows and the Scroll bar is enabled , When scrolling Down , if "Fixed Header"=Yes so the Body will scroll but the Header will stay at his place , Else if "Fixed Header"=No , it will scroll with the Body

    Allow Sort : Allow Sorting or no , if "Allow Sort"=No , Sort Icon will be removed

    Theme : Select your Listview Theme

    ************** Conditions **************

    On selection changed : Trigger when you select another Row

    On clicked : Trigger when the listview is clicked

    On double-clicked : Trigger when the listview is double-clicked

    On mouse over : Trigger when Mouse is over the Listview

    ************** Actions **************

    Set selected index : Set the zero-based Row index to be selected

    Set visible : Set Listview to Visible or Invisible

    Set focused : Focus on Listview

    Set unfocused : Unfocused Listview

    Add Row : Append a new Row to the listview Exemple "0:Hsoumi:Mouadh:2500"

    Add Row at : Append a new Row to the listview at a specific Index Exemple "0:Hsoumi:Mouadh:2500"

    Remove At : Remove a Row at a specific Index

    Clear : Remove all rows

    ************** Expressions **************

    RowsCount : The number of rows in the listview

    SelectedRowIndex : The zero-based index of the currently selected Row

    SelectedCellIndex : The zero-based index of the currently clicked cell

    SubTextSelectedRow : The subText of the currently selected Row

    exemple (selected Index is where Id = 0 , so first name is Mouadh) :


    Listview.SubTextSelectedRow(2) -> will return "Mouadh" , 2 is the zero-based index of the Column First Name

    SubTextAt : The subText of the specific Row Exemple :

    Listview.SubTextAt(indexOfTheRow , indexOfTheColumn)

    Listview.SubTextSelectedRow(4,1) -> will return "Emily" , Row index ,1 is the zero-based index of the Column Last Name

    ***************** V1.1 *****************

    Added : 11 Different Theme "Dropbox , Grey , Bootstap Themes dont have Sort icons but you still can sort without them"

    Added : On mouse over Condition , Trigger when Mouse is over the Listview

    Many Bugs fixed

    ***************** V1.2 *****************

    Added : Properties Show Scroll , "Auto|Yes|No" , Default is Auto .

    • Auto : Show scroll when rows overflows the listview's content area
    • Yes : Always show scroll
    • No : Never show scroll even rows overflows the listview's content area

    Change : If no text in Propertie Header , <tbody> element will not be create

    ***************** V1.3 *****************

    Added : Action Change Row CSS At

    Added : Action Change Cell CSS At

    Added : Action Add Value at Row "You can add unlimited values to a row"

    Added: Expression "getValueOfKeyAt" to Get stored value of specific key at a specific row.

    Preview V1.3 ->

    Test Commande V1.3 ->

    ***************** V1.5 *****************

    Added : Action FilterBy

    Added : Properties Selected Row Background Color example "red" "#ff0000" "rgb(255,0,0)

    Added : Properties Selected Row Text Color example "red" "#ff0000" "rgb(255,0,0)

    Added : Properties Hover Row Background Color example "red" "#ff0000" "rgb(255,0,0)

    Added : Properties Hover Row Text Color example "red" "#ff0000" "rgb(255,0,0)

    If you like the PLUGIN , a little help is always welcome! Donate

    hope it's gonna be usefull for others

    If any one have a probleme with the PLUGIN email me "hsmouadh@gmail.com" , i will reply at max 5 - 6 hours

  • I can not found link for download version 1.2

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  • Good job , clean & usefull

  • nichekeys

    download the last version : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mlti9l4p4bn7 ... vlDRa?dl=0

    there is Only V1.0 and V1.1 for now

  • nice work.

    is it posssible to put headers top each other, like this




    (not like this __ ___ ___)

  • Hey , unfortunatly it's not possible but you can trick it as this

    in items you can write smthng like this :









    h3 is a header balise , that will change that cell's fonts so it will appears as a non-normal cell

    Live Demo

    Download Capx

  • Thx

  • You're welcome

  • thanks for sharing!

  • You are welcome

  • This is great!!!!thanks a lot~

    here is my wish list <3 <3 <3

    1:support image

    2:Set value for every Row,and get value by expressions

    3:set CSS/sorter/Grid/Theme...etc by action

  • hey , i am planning to make a new update to this plugin i will add your wishlist .

    but for the "Support Image" it does that , just import the picture to your project then , add an Item with this text <img src='picture_name.extension' height='90' width='90' /> height and width are optional

    check this little tutorial

    Action :

    Preview :

  • Hello

    I love you plugin

    but it is possible to change the background color of a selected row ?

    (because now, we don't see the difference between selected and non selected rows)

  • hey guys sorry for my late answer , my computer screen was broken , i did buy one from UK , and it's arrives 2 hours ago

    check the new Version V1.3 and the preview on the First Post


    so i did add an action to store values at a specific row on a specific key "You can add unlimited values with different keys" check the First Post i did add a preview for this commande


    Mon pote check la nouvelle version , maintenant tu peux changer le CSS de n'importe quelle Ligne dans ta Listview et tu peux meme changer le Css d'une cellule specifique dans une ligne specifique j'éspere que tu trouveras ton bonheur


    Hey check the new version , now You can change the CSS of any Row in your Listview and you can even change the CSS of a specific cell in a specific Row

  • ca mache suer bien, t'est génial

    Works perfectly, you're awesome

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