Hey guys , i started working on a Full remake of this Plugin it will be the V2 , all what you asked for will be included in it and i will use another framework , which is the most popular for the Web Developpement which is "DataTables" , Visit it's Website "https://www.datatables.net" and take a look . so until now , what i have wrote to add
** The Full system will be changed
** Multiple Language supports (for sorting for
gabicho "FOR FREE" no need to pay me anything)
** Cells -> reading , editing , removing , even cloning a cell :p :p :p
** Sorting Configuration will change on which language you choose
** Multiple Select
** Scroll Or Paggination , "paggination : instead of scroll , you will have fixed height , but with many pages 1 , 2 , 3 , .... change with your data length"
** Import/Export -> JSON,CSV,XML, and Google Drive Sheet if possible
and others will come
if you have any other suggestion let me know and i will add it to my TO DO list