It's fun to fire across such a long distance. You should post it again when there's something to shoot at.
There is definitely a less tedious way to make the events for it, though - instead of creating a sub-event for each state it could be in (anim frame = 2 then set speed 60, anim frame = 3 then set speed 70, etc), you can just create one event that takes the animation frame into account (set speed to 50 + anim frame * 4).
Similar for the charge-up bar - instead of using an animation you could use a sprite, then resize it to the right width depending on how charged up it is.
Here's how it would work: ... stions.cap
I wouldn't recommend using Python unless you're already really skilled with it. As I understand it, Python's kind of an afterthought for Construct - you can definitely do everything without it (and probably should).
You can do a lot with loops and families once you get to know them them. Here's a fairly amazing example one of the developers posted a while back: ... locks2.cap