Ty for the answer on my first question.
The expression worked fine in other circumstances, dont know why/how its stuck now.
Of course i could not run the .cab to test what i made.
But i hope the second question still remains ..
In de help u gave round the 2 first .caps there is still a point i worry about.
u did not only moved the instances created on runtime, but also the original objects from what the instances are created from.
Any destroy event will also destroy the orginal objects, and at that point i will be stuck.
Can i suggest a solution, and there are more ways to solve this.
Way 1
Give objects a property called, uhh lets say "Allover"
I am sure u will come up with a better name.
An object with "Allover" set can be placed on another layout then the layout the events editor is working on, and be accessed from any event sheet editor, but only to create/spawn instances from.
This way you can make a layout, fill it with objects that will be created/spawned in an other layout by the events in the coupled event sheet editor.
At this moment layout(x) is paired to sheet editor(x)
In other words, the original objects will not be touched, they are protected.
Way 2
Create a Special layout. Call it, lets say "global layout". In the first step there will be no event sheet editor coupled to this layout. Objects placed on this layout can be accesed from any event sheet editor to spawn/create from to their coupled layouts.
Later on u can add/pair up a special event sheet editor to it. And give the objects placed on "the global layout" easy behaviours by events. Like a rotation. Like a direction to move. Like a loop that gives it a pulsing effect. Like loop that makes it visible/invisible ever x ticks.
When this object gets created/spawned it keeps that global movement at the moment of creation.
remark: their is a "global" switch un the common tab in object properties. I was hoping it makes the object accessable global, so over all layouts and there event sheet editors. But thats not what it does.
Hope u see what i mean Ashley.