Action RPG

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  • Hello I'm looking for the Action RPG Demo that's on here. The links appear to be dead. I'm looking for the cap file and the data files. Does someone have it or can post a link to it?

    Thank you in advance

  • Post the link to the page you're referring to.

  • Hi Sorry for the late reply. I've been out of town.

    The page is

    Thank you

  • If you post in that thread or PM TL22, he can probably give you an updated link.

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  • Hey there! Sorry about taking it off the Dropbox. I had basically decided to re-do the engine since it was so messy and rigid, but I'm still undecided as to whether I'll do it in Classic or C2. Anyway, there are some things missing in it, though it's a lot cleaner and much more versatile than the previous iteration, as it can handle faction-on-faction fighting and allows for factional relations to change not only with the player, but with other NPC factions as well.

    It plays more similarly to an adventure game now, too, though the goal is still to make it a point and click action RPG. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like I got back into making the inventory and equip systems just yet. Also, right now it bugs out if the MOBs see each other and enter their attack modes, so I guess I haven't finished their behavior yet (though it is fairly simple to do, really). If I can dig up the old one I can put that back up too, but for now this is what it's come to.

    New Action RPG demo

    I probably won't be working on this any time soon, as right now I'm working on a Construct 2 platformer that I decided to tackle due to being easier overall to work on. However, that doesn't mean I can't help you out. Was there anything from the old demo you were looking to replicate specifically? Any of the systems mentioned in that thread I'm pretty sure I can help you with, even if it is just to push you in the right direction.

  • hello! could you please check the link? I would like to download the file! thanks!

  • sorry did not see the new link, a question on your personal opinion so complicated that it would develop a role similar to DIABLO?

  • Sorry for the late reply!

    Diablo's MOB system is actually a lot simpler than my game's MOB system in a lot of ways, but definitely way more complicated graphics wise and inventory wise. But hey, a team of dedicated paid artists and programmers are always going to churn out a better project than a one man dev team. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    However, any RPG or other large ambitious project is going to be complicated. But do-able. I recommend becoming very familiar with Construct first though, by starting off with simpler games like Mario or Mega Man clones, and trying to reproduce and simplify as much as possible. Learn Families and how to use Functions and include Event Sheets and event organization. Become really comfortable with Construct before attempting any large ambitious project. That was my failing at first (and still is in some respects).

    But if it's something you want to do and have the foresight, ingenuity, and patience to create, by all means go for your Diablo-esque RPG! It won't be easy, but neither was figuring out the systems in my RPG but after I came up with a few playable demos the feeling has been quite satisfying.

  • The key behind any succesful project is the planning, when you cover all on the paper you are safe to mistake fewer than a not planned project. I actually working on a massive RTS game and believe me, its took me 2 years planning a way to develop it and still sometimes i mistakes. Focus on your main idea and then cut it to smaller pieces thats keeps a track of every thing you are doing, finally merge all together and �tada! you have a playable looking-good and efficient game...

    PD: sorry for my english... ^_^

  • tl22 your links are always dead :(

  • at tl22... your dropbox is empty. can you update the link. would love to see the game/cap

  • bump!

  • Please read my first and last posts in this thread.

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