Super Mario Adventure Level Creator

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From the Asset Store
vision of adventure is a collection of chiptune music to go on an adventure to
  • In this game you can create your own customized levels,


    Select Objects

    to select tiles and Objects, select the option "Edit tiles only"

    to multiply one by one after selecting it, press A, D, W, S, or to multiply continuous after selected press Ctrl + A, Ctrl + D, Ctrl + W, Ctrl + S

    delete an item select the object then press delete,

    to select the enemies first delete the option "Edit only Objects / Enemies" the same procedure of tiles and Objects,

    Grid Visible / Invisible, for better customization,

    Object properties option

    select this option for object enhancements such as Opacity, Angle,

    Properties of Enemies option

    select this option for object enhancements such as HP, Speed,

    Level Options

    in this option you can modify levels such as Map size, Save slot, Load slot, Background, Scroll Rate XY, Zoom Rate XY


    Map size, in this option you can modify the width and height of the level

    Save slot, Load slot, in this option you can save and load custom levels, remembering always save in a different slot so that you do not save on top of another recording when saving a recording then you can create an image icon of the levels but for that you preset create the image with the same name as the recording in the "data" folder contains an example in the folder

    ScrollRate XY, ZoomRate XY, in this option you modify to adjust the position of the background image

    Background <> in this option you load a background image located in the Backgrounds folder, remembering you can add new images in this folder backgrounds just follow the numbering type 1,2,3,35,36 etc ....

    when everything has ready to create, press "Play" and have fun, to return to the Game Editor when the game has rolled press "Enter / Pause" and the options menu will appear,

    remembering the game is still developing a lot to finish, but you can download this version for you test and help me giving suggestions and in case bug in the game please inform me so that I can arrange

    Video 50% of 100%

    This is the forum I created for the game and you can download and share ideas and share your levels created with other people e muito mais

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