So what exactly is a waypoint, besides the obvious x,y position?
I mean does it do anything else besides offer a container for a position variable?
From what I can tell, it looks like it has some pathfinding involved. Example I had a group of tanks set to move to the waypoint when I clicked a position, most of them instead of moving directly to that position, chose a path up, and around another "solid" object, that wasn't any way near either. Notice I said most of them, a few just ran into each other and stopped. I gather they couldn't figure a decent path is probably why they stopped.
Then I have another question somewhat related.
When you add the rts behavior, with the avoid other object event, is there any way to keep them from "fighting" for position?
Now I realize this is always going to happen in a confined area along a path, but what about when they get to point x,y? They can't all occupy the same space.
Basically whats needed is a way to give each object its own private variable, even if they are the same object. Then assign them that private variable= destination x,y + (random*n+ whatever the sprite size is), n being how many of the same objects there are, then roll the dice again if the x,y is the same.
I don't know if that would solve the waypoint problem, but it should for the second question.