In my game player's progress is stored in the hash. We've got there statistics and decisions player made. There are 10 inventory slots named as ItemSlot-x, where x is nuber of a slot. Item-slot-x stores string - name of the item, which is used to reffer to hash values containing info about item. For example: Player gets a pipe, simplest weapon. ItemSlot-1 contains "Pipe". When player attacks, game reffers to newly created hash values: Item-Pipe-AttackBonus, Item-Pipe-Strenght and Item-Pipe-WhiteW (as players with special skill uses white weapons better than others), so yes, it's like Item-[value of ItemSlot-1]-SpecifiedStat
The question is: how to write down all the statistics of an item on the inventory screen or delete all of Item-Pipe-* values along with the item? You see, they cannot be constant, as there is "handyman" skill which can upgrade some items.