resolution problem

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Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • hello .. i am watching this forum for 8 months now and now i decided to register. i am making a platformer adventure game and i have a problem a while now that i can't resolve. Can somebody tell me the best (-easiest) way to make in a game changing resolution. cause i made my game in 1680x105 and its not compatitable with most PCs . i want a way to change to lower resolution without loosing the quality of the image.. i've seen some tutorials like "Fullscreen while keeping aspect ratio with bars" but i have allready designed the game and i would be a pain in the *** to plase again in the code every object at the correct position..

    (and another one question.. What are the most completed games that we have the.cap files for source ?)

    and why noone has talkd about this forum ?? it made my life much much easier)

    sorry for my english.

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  • 39 views .. no answer .. ?? if anyone knows something about my problem please help me

  • and why noone has talkd about this forum ?? it made my life much much easier)

    maybe because not everyone knows the russian language <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    For your problem..could you post a screen, so everyone have a look whats going wrong exactly, what happens, if you change the resolution? :)

  • > and why noone has talkd about this forum ?? it made my life much much easier)

    maybe because not everyone knows the russian language <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    For your problem..could you post a screen, so everyone have a look whats going wrong exactly, what happens, if you change the resolution? :)

    my problem has nothing to do with the link to the russian forum.. i just paste it here so everyone knows it because i found it very helpfull (i dont know russian but i found some very nice examples)

    i explained my problem at the start of my post.. i just want to make an option to change resolution without just changing the display size because it gets quality problems.. and the tutorial by ashley (i think) tells you to place every object on the screen at an ejact location and i   have no idea how to make it work like this (espacially how to place allllll those sprites on the correct location to work properly) .. is there any other sollution ? thank you for your answer

    (sorry for my english)

  • That's a very wiiiiiide game.

    39 views and no answer isn't really something to comment on. Those people that looked at the post may have been looking to see if you had the same problem as them and hoping for an answer too. Or it could be that the people trying to figure out your issue just haven't solved it yet. Patience is a pretty sweet thing to practice. Almost all problems on this forum get answered before too long, just gotta wait sometimes while folks brainstorm.

    As for your problem... unfortunately, screen size isn't something that's easily patched in if you've got things like statically positioned HUD elements to contend with. In all likelihood you will in fact have to go back and edit all the positions. Some things to also consider are what you want in your resolution changes. Do you want only one aspect ratio and have the "gaps" to be covered up so you only see your ratio? Or do you want the player's viewport to expand or decrease depending on their screen resolution? Are you planning on adding zooming or other camera tricks? I'm sure the other more experienced Construct guys could think of more scenarios, but the first thing you'd need to know is what you even want.

    Your resolution is really bizarre. Is there a purpose behind it?

    Also, when seeking help, it's recommended that you also leave a link to your game's cap file, preferably a Dropbox link. That will help with solving any issues or making any suggestions immensely, since all we really have to go on is you say your game screen is 1680x105 and that you'd rather not have to recalculate object positions. So post a link to your cap, and maybe I can see if my method for resolutions would help you out.

  • -firt of all i am sorry for not having patience i am making tha game for some months and i didn't ever concidered the resolution was a problem <img src="smileys/smiley26.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    -i would prefer one aspect ratio

    ( i don't know exactly how zoom feature could help me but i thing it not the right way)

    -this resollution was the default of my laptops screen...

    -the .cap has many art assets that i don't want to public them yet.. so i'll propablly make a simple .cap with the engine and upload it soon...

    -thnx for your answer

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