"Layout Object" issues

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  • 1. Layout Object even after being destroyed still hordes Target and Total VRAM. So if you create and destroy Layout Object one after another this will lead into endless inscreasing VRAM usage. From my observation it seems like as all the Layout Object content is being destroyed but the Layout Object "emptyness" still remain in VRAM. I just dont know how to kick it out of the VRAM. Like with an empty texture. Anybody knows anything? how to deal with this?

    2. I use LAyout Object to be my "Options Screen". So i dont need to create one in each and every Layout that has/should have access to it. And everything works fine... untill i change Layout and come back. then the Layout Object stops responding. I tried reloading it, destroying and recreating (which theoriticaly works but: See point 1 above) but with no results. The heck?

    3. Do anybody knows of ANY way of at least displaying a Layout inside another Layout?

    4. Do anybody knows any way of fast transfering Layout content to another Layout? This is mainly if i would have to abandom Layout Object totaly and recreate it everywhere where it should be present.

    5. Comming from point "4" i am aware of the possiblity of adding a whole layout sheet into another layout - but the question is, will it work with the objects on that layout.

    6. I planed to use Layout Object as a easy and simple "Pause" because of the Layout Object deature to "frezze" the home Layout on which its being displayed but discovering how buggy and incompatible Layout Object is with preety much everything i need another way of "Pausing" the game. So my question is - is there anything, a plugin, a function, syntax that "frezzes" the Layout just like Layout Object does?

    If something sounds unclear ask me and ill try to describe it deeper or make it clear.

  • bump?

  • meh. nevermind. ill just kick out the Layout Object.

    Shame it havent recived enough attention back then when it could have been fixed. The overall idea behind the Layout Object is pure briliant.

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  • Layout objects are pretty glitchy from what I remember, they especially can't be used for scrolling games I think. I'm pretty surprised about the VRAM issue though, that is a pretty serious bug.

    Your best bet for now is the layer inheritance, it's described lightly here: http://www.scirra.com/forum/inventory-system_topic54067.html

    And hey, waiting only 1 or 2 days is a pretty short time for a reply. We understand when things are urgent but people here will often work on example cap files or try to see what they can do to help before replying. Or sometimes, if someone doesn't have time to help right now they take note and get back to it when they can.

  • Layout objects are pretty glitchy from what I remember, they especially can't be used for scrolling games I think. I'm pretty surprised about the VRAM issue though, that is a pretty serious bug.

    Your best bet for now is the layer inheritance, it's described lightly here: http://www.scirra.com/forum/inventory-system_topic54067.html

    And hey, waiting only 1 or 2 days is a pretty short time for a reply. We understand when things are urgent but people here will often work on example cap files or try to see what they can do to help before replying. Or sometimes, if someone doesn't have time to help right now they take note and get back to it when they can.

    yeah i was preety suprised too. been using LAyout Object couple of time in past years and i never noticed the VRAM issue. Mostly because the VRAM singel usage increasment isnt that big. but it grows rapidly. In my example its about 3 MB. But in less then a minute that became 200 MB.

    Sadly i doubt this will get fixed ever.

    layer inheritance... so thats what it is... I always wondered. Thank you.

    Oh and i had like 2 years long break from Scirra forums. People back then replied almost instantly and the overall traffic on the website was much bigger. Thats where i am comming from. Now it looks like a ghost town.

    Sorry i cannont share the .cap file. Not with this particular project.

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