Well, some time ago someone (I would say 'I won't name names' but instead I'll say 'I have no idea who it was') posted about their file being corrupted. The file, upon being saved, became larger, and after several saves Construct reported 'out of memory' and failed to save the last of the file, resulting on an 'attempt to read an unnamed file past its end' upon load.
Well, that's happening again. Specifically, whenever I save with Attributes (ie Solid, Destroy when far) and has already claimed my copy of the Phys-Box cap, the only backups of having been on D2K5 when their servers were DDOS'd (no proof, however someone was uploading anti-scientologist content to it and posting public links - I wouldn't put it past them anymore) or went down and pretty much all files were lost.
Well, anyway, the cap is here:
Also, Ashley, if you manage to recover this, it may also provide some insight into the System+Family bug (System object disappearing) as in the new version, that's still happening to me.
What I was doing here was a bit of physics again, experimenting with a physical dragging system (it's simple, trust me) and needed a way to remove them without having to put in an event for each object.
Another note: 'Destroy' does not work with Families.
I'm going to go reconstruct at least the dragging system now.
For those who want to know:
Physics -> Set Velocity
X: MouseX - Sprite.X
Y: MouseY - Sprite.Y
I was so sad I never thought of it before, since it's so effective (in three events I had a functional dragging system, one for pickup, one for drop, and one for while dragging - including not being able to accidentally grab another object) but this unfortunate bug and also the little issue with the system object kind of killed that.
Hope you can work something out about this.