I've corrected the issues and simplified the cap to better see it in action.
I have to say, you ignored almost every explanation I gave in that post and in the screenshot of the events <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">
Never omit brackets when copying events, they serve a purpose: The order of calculations is determined by brackets. Example:
10 - 4 * 3 = -2
(10 - 4) * 3 = 18
I've put them back in.
The second issue was the missing of an inherited layer with scrollrate and zoomrate set to 0, as mentioned.
The third issue was a inaccuracy of myself. I didn't show, how the private variable 'pid' is exactly used for the aspect bars.
In this cap the window is set to 1024x768, while the virtual screen stays at 1920x1080. Your layout size is 1920x1080, too, but you may set it to any size you like.
F1 switches to fullscreen, F2 switches back to windowed. The fullscreen switch uses the current window size to determine the next best fullscreen size. So it will be 1024x768 fullscreen, presenting a virtual screen of 1920x1080.
Be aware: This method uses zooming to achieve this. You can't use magicam if you want to use it in your game (magicam also accesses the global zoom, there is currently no relative zoom option in magicam)