List all files in a folder in a List Box

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  • I'm currently working on a level editor for a game, which is pretty much done. It stores all objects into an array then saves the array out to a file. The loading is also working fine, however the user has to type the name of the level into a box to be able to open it, which is just annoying. So i was wondering if there's a way to get all files in a folder to be listed in a List Box? This way the user can select their level from a list.

    All the level files are stored in AppPath/maps


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  • The "File" objects would work well for this. It has an event to loop through each file in a directory, then there's a condition to get the name each file as it loops through. Let me know if you need anymore help.

  • For a very simple list of files, I have used this:

    -> ListBox: Add line File.FileList("F:\Downloads")[/code:2bxjb9by]
    Just drop in a listbox and file object, and add that action somewhere. That path is just my download directory, which has hundreds of files. It seems to handle separating each file into a new line just fine.
    You can handle selections or double-clicks easily with something like this (which only copies the filename to a text object):
    [code:2bxjb9by]+ ListBox: Selection changed
    -> Text: Set text to ListBox.LineText(ListBox.SelectedLine)
    + ListBox: Double clicked
    -> Text: Set text to ListBox.LineText(ListBox.SelectedLine)
  • Thanks to both of you! Its working perfectly

  • how would you go about displaying only a certain type of file?

    like a particular file extension, is that possible?

  • how would you go about displaying only a certain type of file?

    like a particular file extension, is that possible?

    + Your condition...
    -> ListBox: Add line File.FileListFiltered("F:\Downloads", "*.cap")[/code:tghtci61]
    This shows me all of the .cap files in my download folder. Check out this wiki page for more that the file object can do:
    [url=] ... ile_Object[/url]
    It does have the elements necessary for more complex file and/or directory listing. Also, the Common Dialog Object has some uses in this area, if you don't mind a windows-style requester, though it's not quite as flexible as the file object.
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