Well, actually, that doesn't look quite like the layout of my install of Construct either. I think it's a screenshot of an older version, anyways.
I just have Project, Animator, and Layers there.
Try this:
At the top left of the screen, where the ribbon tabs are, where "Home" is (it's next to Project, Layout, Objects, Events) -- click Home, then below that it should have a section labeled Bars. In that, I see: Layers, Project, Properties, Animator. Click "Project" once or twice. For me, that hides/unhides the Project bar and tab on the right side of the screen.
Here's a screenshot, anyway:
<img src="http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1712024/construct%20controls.png">
Um, you might have to right click on it and view image. Or view this: