There are also others little oddities in event sheet editor... for example, when you have a condition selected and right-click, there is "delete event" and "toggle event" in the menu, and they do nothing. And I guess you shouldn't be able to select a condition and an event at the same time, this is possible by left-clicking an event and then right-clicking a condition in some other event. When "delete event" in the menu �s selected, it removes the unselected event containing the selected condition.
Also... dragdropping an event to the blank area in the bottomside of the event sheet editor makes the mouse cursor the "not possible" -sign. It would speed things up if dragdropping there just moved the event to bottom of the event list.
There was some bugs with dragdropping groups too, some of them were pretty bad and caused a group to "malform" so that events inside weren't showing, no matter if you clicked the expand/collapse button. I'll try to reproduce this SomeDay.
And. The expand/collapse button could be in different color when collapsed, so that user notices it mode easily if there's some events hidden in subevents. Currently collapsed subevents would be pretty easy to miss, for example when viewing some other's code.
It would also be nice, if a single existing condition could be turned to an event or subevent with only dragdropping. Currently you must first create a new event, then move the condition there and then delete the first condition. Especially with subevents this is a pain since you often want to make a subevent by moving a condition from the main event.
Whew. There is some suggestions. I guess that most of them aren't hard to implement?