your two layouts are different heights.
Since the second layout is taller and Construct counts position from the top as zero, you might want to adjust height accordingly.
Change this in layout 1's events:
+ Blobby: On collision between Blobby and Gateway_forest
-> Blobby: Set 'from_layout' to "Layout 1"
-> System: Go to layout "Layout 2" with transition "None" lasting 0 MS
-> Blobby: Set Y to LayoutHeight - Blobby.Y <------- I ADDED THIS
Change this in layout 2's events:
+ System: Start of layout
-> Blobby: Set Y to layoutheight - Blobby.Y <---- I ADDED THIS
+ Blobby: Value 'from_layout' Equal to "Layout 1"
- > Blobby: Set X to 0
- > Blobby: Set Y to Blobby.Y +1520
- > Text: Set text to "X " & int(Blobby.X )
- > Text2: Set text to "Y " & int(Blobby.Y )
- > Blobby: Set XY to {0 ,Blobby.Y + 1000 }
Edit: this changes vertical coordinate to be relative from the bottom when leaving the layout, then uses that value to get the proper Y coordinate to start from in the next layout.