hi. use a screen reader jaws for windows from freedomscientific.com and non visual desktop access from nvaccess.org and now using construct 2, version 295, windows 10 64 bit pro free version. now is there a keyboard short cut to get to the browse button. can insert objects, and have to use my screen reader mouse cursur, to then use caps lock and 8 on the keyboard to left and 9 for right click, and then press the applications key, and then the menus. and then insert new object, and then able to then edit the name of the object, but no way to then find the browse button to then import images, backgrounds. etc. so is there a keyboard short cut. looked in themanual and the keybord section. will alt b do this and turn it on or off. so any blind developers here, and cannot use the mouse, erratic with a screen reader. any ideas. thanks.Hi guys,
I just wanted to present an alternative to the great R0j0's suggestion. Seems lighter and uses base events instead of code which makes it easier for some people to understand.
Set Global Variable: Idle_Counter = 200
Keyboard: on any key pressed
-> Set Idle_Counter to 200
Every 0.1 seconds
-> IF Idle_Counter<=0
->->Set Idle_Counter to 200
->->...and whatever actions you wish to perform
The reason why I reset the variable in the last part is because I'm using it to recall a layout which doesn't reset the variable at start.
I'm using "Every 0.1 seconds" instead of "Every tick" to reduce processor usage.