Hi all
Can i do screen following main character other way than center view on me?
I did that main character can pick up a crowbar,if crowbar is picked theres a new model - main character with a crowbar,how to make view center on second model since picking up crowbar? (i tried to make both center view on me but it does that camera centered between those 2 models)
There are several ways....you can use scrollx and scrolly to player.x and player.y , you can remove an attribute during runtime from one character (center view on me) , you could use multiple animations per object ,with crowbar ...without......
How to remove an attribute in events?
You will find it in system actions , remove attribute from object
Usually i use a "player object" that is hidden from view that is the actual character and just follow that. This way you can alternate "characters" by attaching them to the player with the pin behaviour (like a sticker) that will give you more flexibility. Just destroy or hide the "guy without the crawbar" and "create guy with crowbar" on x/y coordenates of the "player object". At least that's how i would do that in your case. I hope it helps.
This is the construct classic section Ragevortex ....there is no pin behavior!!!!!!
"You will find it in system actions , remove attribute from object"
How it works?
I did this and i have to add in "attributes" sprite.
How to add concrete attribute,not sprite?
"concrete" ??? I don't know what you mean , maybe attach a cap and I will show you .
"concrete" I mean only center view on me
It seems im not permitted to post download links ;/
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I made you an example but as of now the forum has turned off attachments , will send to you when I am able.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwqrvqj2nn28n ... e.rar?dl=0
Thanks man Now i can continue my works.