i basically want to create an alarm clock program but currently the Date object seems insufficient.
for conditions, you can only query the date -- i'd like to be able to keep track of what time it is and set conditions based on that. it'd also be nice if construct could know what day of the week it was, so i could set different conditions for weekdays/weekends.
also, the action 'Set to current date/time' doesn't seem to work right. it will work when the layout initializes, but it never updates. so even though i did this to workaround not being able to have time-based conditions (i was going to compare text) --
System: Always (every tick)
DateSet to current date/time
TextSet text to Date 0 .GetHour
Text2Set text to Date 0 .GetMinutes
it never updates. so if i open the software at 4:03pm, it is always stuck at 4:03pm. In debug, the Date object only shows the calendar date (also, this may be a bug -- right now it says it is 02/02/109)