Construct 0.99.3 released (unstable)

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Not sure if this is a bug or what.

    <img src="">

    The layout seems to distort the graphic. When I run the game it's fine.

  • The layout seems to distort the graphic. When I run the game it's fine.

    I've noticed the same thing

  • Tonks is COMPLETELY broken... when the tanks spawn the wheels and treads are nowhere to be seen, and the tank falls then suddenly rockets into oblivion.

    Will try to track down exactly what is causing it, but I bet it's something to do with hinges. :/

    Will report later once I get time to play with it.


  • Azu: I can't see anything wrong in your screenshot. I don't know what it's meant to look like!

    However, there's an open bug on the tracker about objects rotating in the layout editor getting offset, which may be related.

  • The sprites looks distorted and sized up.

    Look closely.

    Ver 98.9

    <img src="">

    Ver 99.3 (Linear)

    <img src="">

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  • What is the object's angle?

  • 0. All objects' angle are zero.

  • Oh, forgot to mention: object with physics behaviour falls through objects with a solid attribute. I know it's not a prob really but making objects and creating physics behaviour, making them immovable and cloning them for a whole game takes more time and creates more issues for the game, nah?

    EDIT: Btw as for me I like how linear filter looks!

  • Why do you have to clone them? Adding physics behavior and ticking immovable takes all of 5 seconds.

  • But you would agree that making solids active not for only platform behaviour objects but also for physics can make the game developing more comfortable, right? Man, even that little thing gives a lot of joy for a user, it's worthy to be added! But if you like you can not do it.

  • But you would agree that making solids active not for only platform behaviour objects but also for physics can make the game developing more comfortable, right? Man, even that little thing gives a lot of joy for a user, it's worthy to be added! But if you like you can not do it.

    No, anything that interacts with physics should have the physics behavior applied.Making "solid" objects physics capable would mean that all solids would have to have physics behavior, which is not good. solid is just for raw movement, not physics engines. just add the behavior, it takes a second.

  • I agree, it's best to separate physics movement from any other behavior or movement system for now, as other behaviors and movement eventing don't work well with it.

  • Well, as you like.

    Davio, seems you didn't get what am I talking about.

  • I love Construct, I really do, but... For some reason, it tends to, well, crash a lot these days (normally when opening a condition change window or the picture editor). I can't tell whether it's because I'm using a large cap or otherwise.

  • I can't stress this enough: please report all crashes to the tracker! If you ignore a crash it will never be fixed. If you try and reproduce it and can put something on the tracker, it might be fixed!

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