When the object is facing a certain angle, it uses a different animation. This is highly useful in isometric games, where an object can face all eight direction. Like this:
<img src="http://images.suite101.com/553546_com_reinerstil.png">
That is eight directions, different perspective in each. That is a LOT of spriting to do - eight different animations and that is for one type alone - walking. Add standing, running, affliction, casting, dead animations... Well, you quickly run into dozens of animations. Your artist isn't going to love you after the time.
But if you use purely top down or side perspective, you can simply rotate the sprite or flip/mirror it respectively. You have to justify the need for additional animation angles.
It is irrational to expect to be able to use angles in increments of 1... because for each angle you'd require an animation; that would amount up to 360 animations for all angles. FOR ONE ANIMATION TYPE. Add death, running, sleeping, drunk animations... The artist is dumping you before you even mention the idea to him.
So, what is your justification for this request?