Storyish - An app made to generate story and plot ideas using emojis for creative projects

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  • Hey Everyone!

    This is an app that I created using Construct.

    A bit about the app

    Storyish generates emojis that you can interpret into a story or a plotline for your creative projects. Use it for Stories, Short Films, Comics, Game Ideas, creative writing to just as a fun little storytelling game between friends and family.


    - Generate 4, 5, or 6 emojis for plot points.

    - Select emoji buckets you want suggestions from (more to come).

    - Session history to review what you have generated.

    - No written keywords to bind you. Let your imagination fly.

    Check it out on the Play Store

    This is my second app/game that I've published with construct and it was really fun trying to figure out how to a lot of general app things in a game engine. There are still issues like the scroll in the history section and a lot of features I wanted to add but I'm satisfied with what I was able to build for the initial release.

    Would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas.

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