Ninja Tag (Released)

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From the Asset Store
Ninja char for your game! Make your own Shinobi game with this art.
  • Hello everyone! It's been a long while since I made my last game, and I'm glad I'm back to making games. I mainly decided to make this since I played Joeriri's game of tag and was inspired to make my own twist to it.

    As of now, I'm currently working on the menu which is already nearly complete, but for now, I'm just going to show the logo for the game:

    Anyways, that's pretty much it for now. Stay tuned to see more updates about the game! :D

    also, it's my birthday today! happy birthday me. :)

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  • Hello once again! I've been able to complete most of the game, though I'm making modifications to some mechanics. I'll also try to polish the game to my ability before publishing! For now, here is one of the characters. He eepy.

    Anyways, thanks for reading, tune in for more updates! :)

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  • The Game is here!

    Ninja Tag has now been released!

    It's finally here! Ninja Tag, a local multiplayer game where you run around and try to tag the other person while using abilities and strategizing! Play now!

    Link to play:

    And here's the game trailer! :D

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    Enjoy! :D

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