I sort of had a reason. I'm a teacher and in my state, students cannot use any service that requires giving any personal information including name or email address unless the district has a contract with the service. That means most free online tools are out. They are also on chromebooks so mot open-source software is out. I wanted my students to make SVG diagrams but the only option I found is svg-edit which they didn't like.
So... I decided to make a very simple SVG editor for my students.
It's done 100% in events. It doesn't use the SVG or XML plug-ins at all. Objects are invisible sprites with DrawingCanvas on top so that the stroke renders correctly. I probably should have used XML to read the SVG files, but I kept making progress using tokenat type expressions.
After about 16 hours, here are the features:
- Rectangle, Ovals, and Lines
- Fill and Stroke Color
- One style of dashed stroke and One style of marker-end arrow
- Export SVG files compliant enough to open in browser or Inkscape
- Open SVG files (100% working if made here. A little working if made elsewhere
- Export png
- Duplicating objects with Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V
- Moving objects using drag and drop
- Editing all supported properties e.g. rx and ry for ellipses using TextInput
- Autosave current project EDIT: Actually working now
- One line text objects
On my to-do list:
Text Objects EDIT: 1 line text working
- Undo/Redo
- Select Multiple/Drag Select
- Paths with multiple segments
- Scale and rotate with touch
- More png export options
- zoom
- More advanced color picker
- Import of svg files that are structured a little differently
Features I probably will never support include all other object types, embedded images, curved paths, gradients, import of anything that can't be made with this software.
I recognize this is probably a waste of time and will never be better than existing solutions, but it was fun enough to make and I was surprised at how quickly and consistently I made progress.
Not sure if anyone is interested in this type of thing. I am considering opening the source code. I have no idea if I do things the same way others do.
Edit: 2022-11-21 text objects now support outline (sort of). The line object is working again. The last setting for fill and stroke are preserved. The object list has scroll buttons.